Publication of symposium + exhibition at March 10th, 2017 at Hospitalhof Stuttgart
The housing market is under high pressure. Many people are looking for work and living space in the economically strong and well infrastructured metropolitan areas of Germany. The high demand is currently leading to a huge increase in rents, making affordable housing especially scarce. So the housing question is up to date again.
With the aim to investigate the complex relationships of the housing question, to be able to evaluate the current situation in order to develop possible counter strategies, different housing projects and urban development measures for “affordable housing” were analysed and compared during the seminar Wie wohnen? (How to live?) at the Institute of Urbanism. So our team examined the project ps wedding, which since 2011 in cooperation between the Mietshäuser syndicate and the housing association degewo wants to transform the former Diesterweg-Gymnasium in Berlin to an estate of affordable housing (and now failed in the end – as of December 2018)
→Exhibition-poster pswedding (German)